Caring for Your Swimmers After Hot Tubbing

Whether it’s an excuse to wear your swimmer in the middle of winter, joining in with friends or getting rid of sore muscles, we love a dip in the hot tub! Some of the very...

How to: DIY Summer Vision Board

If you're not one for arts and crafts, this may just change your mind! Creating vision boards is easy, relaxing, and inspiring! Whether you choose to use an online platform or physical materials, there are...

Spring Self-Care Bucket List

Another cold (or slightly chilly) winter has come and gone and the flowers are starting to bloom again! The air smells sweeter and temperatures feel even warmer now that it’s spring time! With every start...

10 Ways to Support Small Businesses For Free

Supporting small businesses is something we’ve been passionate about for a long time and it feels especially relevant now. We are full of gratitude for our KJ community! Without you this brand wouldn’t be what...

Up Close Look: Flower Power 🌸

It's National Flower Day and we think it deserves to be celebrated! What's not to love about these gorgeous pops of color in our everyday lives? Whether you see roses on your way to work or...

Overcoming your fear of swimming in the ocean

Raise your hand if you feel nervous and afraid of the ocean 🙋🏼. Whether it's the waves, deep waters, or creatures of the sea, you're not alone! The ocean can be a nerve wracking place! Many...

Rainy Day Bucket List

We’re all too familiar with the transition between winter and spring. You are stuck inside, yet again, due to the latest rainstorms or flu season. Whatever your situation, being inside doesn’t need to be an...

Zermatt Photoshoot

Snow can't hold us back from having a good time! We're always scouting out new locations to shoot our swimmers and Zermatt Resort and Spa was as dreamy as ever -- in the middle of February!...

Favorite Beach Snacks

What do we love as much as the beach and swimmers? Food of course! So you know our favorite kind of food are the snacks that we can take with us to the beach. Nothing...