Supporting small businesses is something we’ve been passionate about for a long time and it feels especially relevant now. We are full of gratitude for our KJ community! Without you this brand wouldn’t be what it is today! We get emotional over here just thinking about it 💗 and we’re sure most small businesses like us would completely agree! No matter what life throws our way, support from the community means the world to us! But how can you support your favorite small businesses without spending a penny? There’s actually a lot that you can do! Whether you’re trying to support a close friend or family member’s startup or hoping to save money, the little things can make a big difference!

First and foremost, social media is a modern marketing miracle! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter - it’s all free! A lot of small businesses rely on social media to get the word out about new products, events, and news. Liking and commenting on a post both boosts engagement and gives encouragement to the company. In addition, it lets the algorithm know that this is content you’re interested in seeing. Don’t think of the algorithm as your enemy, it’s pretty dang cool!
Another way you can support small businesses is by sharing content you think is useful, inspiring, or funny. It only takes a few seconds to share. You can tag your friends in an inspiring post or post about an exciting launch on your stories. Genuinely sharing content that you love is the perfect way to create community and get the word out.

Are you following any businesses on Pinterest? They know just how to get a vibe going! Their curated boards and photos are the perfect source of inspiration! Repinning their content helps others to see it and it’s relevant to you! Whether it’s style inspo, photography tips, or a wishlist board, spend a few minutes scrolling through their Pinterest boards. How hard can that be!? Most likely they'll have some golden content that you'll be thrilled you discovered!

If you’ve purchased from them in the past, write a review. Share your experience with customer service, the product quality, or even your impressions about the brand. People don’t often take the time to write reviews if they’re pleased with the business. Writing a positive review helps others know what to expect and trust the company. Furthermore, it helps the company show up on Google searches, helping others find it and assuring them that this company is a real, relevant business.
Send a quick email or DM letting them know why you love their brand! Encouragement and positivity goes a long way! Small business owners work extremely hard and it’s easy for them to feel like it goes unnoticed. Even a quick note lets them know their work is not in vain. As a bonus, they may even share your words on their stories for other customers. It’s a win-win!
If you own one of their products, don’t hesitate to share photos. Whether it’s the process of remodeling your home or sharing your favorite swimmer combo on vacation, tagging the brand and sharing gets the word out to others and lets them know just what the business is all about. Tagging them in your stories will also allow the business to reshare, which helps other interested customers. If possible, use their hashtags so others can see your photo and make those connections.

Everyone has those friends. You know...the top 3-5 friends you tag in every giveaway because you know they won’t judge you for trying {yet again} to win that $200 gift card. We don’t blame you! If you’ve ever won a giveaway you know it was worth it! When you tag your friends in giveaways it can have a domino effect that’s great for the company! Maybe your friends each tag three friends, then those friends tag three more, and it keeps on going down the line. It’s a great way for businesses to gain a new audience and show them what they’re all about. On your part, there’s no need to overload your friends by tagging them in every single giveaway. Just choose a few favorite brands and participate when you can. Simply tagging a couple of true friends who you think relate to the post will do.

Signing up for newsletters is the best way to keep yourself in the loop! You’ll be the first to get info about events, sales, and all other happenings. Knowing what’s going on will allow you to share and be involved in any way you can, even if you can’t purchase at the moment.
Local events are the best way to physically show up for them! These often give customers the opportunity to learn about the business, meet the owner, give feedback, and ultimately show their support. Bring your friends to an expo or local market they’re participating in. Attend their annual customer party. Participate in their scavenger hunt. Whatever it is, showing up says a lot because it tells them that you care! Best of all, you’re likely to win free prizes and other goodies! Who doesn’t love that!?

Live videos can be super intimidating, especially when people are new to it. If you turn on your notifications, you’ll be notified when someone starts a live video. Don’t hesitate to join in! Once people engage, the person leading realizes it’s just like talking to a bunch of friends. So get on and ask your questions, whether they’re related to their business or not! If you’re thinking of a question, it’s likely others are wondering the same thing. It helps lead the conversation in a good direction, especially if you’re familiar with the brand. We know Instagram Live can take up a lot of time, so just remember that even taking a few minutes to engage makes a difference.

Reading blogs doesn’t sound too bad does it!? After all, it’s the company’s goal to solve a problem for you and provide all the relevant information they can. Simply reading a few blog posts generates traffic. So take five minutes to explore their website! Engaging with the links on their website helps a ton with SEO (search engine optimization). This lets Google know that the site is relevant, which ultimately helps small businesses grow their online platform.
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! All of these things are simple and won’t cost you a penny! Even five minutes of engaging with your favorite small businesses does more than you know! No matter what stage of life you’re in, how busy you are, or your current financial status, you can still support small businesses. How amazing is that!? Give yourself a pat on the back. You’re doing more than you know!
Kortni Jeane + Team