Water Safety Post: Using Kids Floats Safely/ Learn to Swim

Water Safety Post: Using Kids Floats Safely/ Learn to Swim
As summer approaches, this means spending sunny days by the pool or at the beach! Amidst all the summer fun excitement, ensuring water safety for kids is crucial. In this post, we’ll dive deep into the importance of using kids’ floats safely and the value of learning how to swim.
Floaties for kids, commonly known as arm floaties or kids’ floaties, can serve as essential tools in promoting water safety. They help provide buoyancy, helping children stay afloat as they learn to navigate the water. While they are not substitutes for adult supervision or essential swimming skills, they offer a layer of added protection and some peace of mind!
Using Kids Floats Safely
When it comes to using kids’ floats, safety needs to be a priority! Here are some helpful tips to ensure proper and safe use:
  • Choose the Right Fit: Opt for floaties that fit nice and snug around the child’s arms, without being too tight. This helps the floatie to stay in place while providing buoyancy.
  • Supervise Constantly: Even with a floatie on, children should never be left unsupervised when near or in water. Designate a responsible adult to keep an eye on the child at all times!
  • Avoid Complacency: While floaties are especially helpful for young swimmers, they should not instill a false sense of security. Be sure to encourage children to build swimming skills, helping minimize their reliance on floatation devices over time.
  • Inspect Regularly: Before each use, check floaties for any signs of damage or wear/ tear. Replace the item if necessary to ensure effectiveness and safety.

Learning to Swim
While floaties can provide temporary support, nothing beats the confidence and safety that comes with learning the swim. Enrolling children in swim lessons at an early age helps equip them with essential water survival skills and helps build confidence in the water!
Water safety is essential when it comes to summer fun! Combining the use of floaties with swim lessons and adult supervision, this can be a summer our kids will remember forever! Let’s dive in, stay safe, and make unforgettable memories by the water!
Kortni + Team


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