Water Safety: Backyard Pools

Water Safety: Backyard Pools - Kortni Jeane
What is summer without spending the afternoon in your backyard pool?? While this creates fun-filled memories, it’s crucial to prioritize water safety, especially when children are involved. In this post, we’ll dive into some tips that can help ensure a fun and safe summer!
Supervision is Key:
When it comes to water safety, nothing beats vigilant supervision. Designate a responsible adult to be the “water watcher” whenever kids are swimming or around the pool. You could also designate multiple responsible adults with this role, and take turns keeping watch on the pool area!
Invest in Proper Gear:
Equip your littles with the right gear, such as floaties or puddle jumpers. Our Splasher floaties help provide an extra layer of safety, helping kids stay afloat while learning to swim! However, please remember that these Splashers are aids, and not a substitute for constant adult supervision.
Teach Water Safety:
Educating children about water safety and its importance can start as soon as they are able to go into the pool! Teach them basic swimming skills, and establish clear rules that will help keep them safe such as no running around the pool, no diving in shallow water, and always asking and letting an adult know before getting into the water.
Secure the Pool Area:
Take precautions and ensure your backyard pool is fenced with a self-closing, self-latching gate. This can help prevent unsupervised access to the pool area. You can also consider installing alarms on the gate and all doors that lead to the pool area, alarming an adult if a child enters this area unsupervised. 
While backyard pools offer endless opportunities for fun, it’s crucial to prioritize the safety of everyone, especially children who are learning to swim. By implementing these tips and further educating yourself on water safety, you can create a fun and safe environment anytime you are swimming! Let’s make a splash this summer and create an exciting and safe experience for everyone!
Kortni + Team


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