KJ Team Gratitude Journal

KJ Team Gratitude Journal - Kortni Jeane
With Thanksgiving around the corner, gratitude is on the brain! Not only is this a natural time to think about what we’re grateful for, it’s also a time where everyone around us is thinking more about what we have rather than what we wish we had. For today’s post, we took the chance to ask each member of the Kortni Jeane team what they’re grateful for and wanted to share their responses with all of you. 
My Husband
Movie Theaters + Buttered Popcorn
My Family
For my health! That my body is able to accommodate my lifestyle and that I can enjoy being active.
The Outdoors
To live so close to family + be able to spend lots of time together!
My Husband
The times when you get to slow down and really live in the moment.
For the people I have close to me at this time and their impact on my life!
We hope you all have the chance to remember the things that make your own life so beautiful. Take a moment to appreciate working vehicles, loved ones, strangers that share a smile with you, your favorite soda, and anything else that brings light and love into your life. And we would love to hear from you! Comment below to share anything you're thankful for this Thanksgiving! We’ll start! 
Kortni + Team


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