Water Safety + Puddle Jumpers

Water Safety + Puddle Jumpers - Kortni Jeane
We love playing in the water, whether it be the ocean, lakes, pools, or slip n’ slides. And like us, minis LOVE the water! Toddlers are especially curious, eager to explore their surroundings, and are naturally drawn to water. We get it! Water is shiny, makes fun splashes, and makes things float! But water also represents a real threat to our kids as accidental drowning is a leading cause of death that can happen quickly + quietly.
Our goal here at Kortni Jeane is to make sure everyone is safe and having fun in the water. When it comes to littles and water safety, drowning prevention techniques are a MUST and should happen in a variety of ways - one thing won’t be enough. Swim lessons, supervision, swimming skills, floaties used appropriately, fences, durable pool covers, and safety alarms are all crucial parts of the equation. Today we’re coming at you with water safety tips and how to keep your minis safe in and around the water. 
Teach Your Littles
The first and very best thing you can do is teach your kids to respect the water. Teach them that water can be fun, but it can also be dangerous. Similar to teaching them about knives or scissors - both important tools when used appropriately - teach your kids about water, the good and the bad. Be honest with them but also mindful of their age + understanding. We don’t want our kiddos to be afraid of the water, but we must raise them to understand how to be safe around + in the water. 
Keep in Mind Around the Pool
 - Make sure you always have constant supervision of them in or around the pool. All parents and caregivers must be vigilant no matter swimming capabilities. 
- Give kids your undivided attention. Avoid working on a computer, cell phone, or yard work. 
- Keep inexperienced swimmers at arms-length, at all times.
- Never leave pool toys in the pool; children will be tempted to reach into the pool to grab a toy.
- Install a pool fence: baby proof fences are at least 4ft high, non-climbable, and have self-latching/closing capabilities. This gate should be locked at all times. 
- Add alarms to doors leading to the pool. There are alarms that connect to your phone or set off loud signals in your home. 
- Invest in a durable pool cover that will keep kids out of the water. 
- Can’t find your child? Always check the pool FIRST. It only takes seconds for a child to drown, which means every moment matters. 
Puddle Jumpers
While Splashers and other floaties are great for helping your littles feel comfortable and confident in the  water, they are no replacement for basic water safety + skills.
Here are things to keep in mind when using floatation devices:
.- Get in the pool with your child. This will help them understand that you always swim with someone else - never alone. 
- Have kids spend time swimming with you + without floaties so they can learn what it feels like to swim without it: practice floating, kicking, and teach them about buoyancy. Help them safely see what happens when they’re not being held in the water. 
- Our Splashers have safety buckles so they can’t take them off themselves. Keep them secured in their puddle jumpers as long as you’re in + around the pool so they don’t jump in without it. 
- Make sure you’re using the right flotation device for the right activity. Boating + recreational activities require coast guard certified flotation devices. Splashers and other arm floaties work best for pools, calm beaches, etc.  
We’re in This Together
We hope we can continue as a community to encourage and remind one another of water safety for children and keep such an important topic as a focus here at Kortni Jeane. We want to do our part to create awareness to parents on popper water safety for our kiddos. Splashers are here to help your mini’s gain confidence in the water but they need YOU to stay safe. Thank you for being here and we hope you stay safe during all your fun water adventures!
Kortni + Team


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