10 Ways to Support Small Businesses For Free

Supporting small businesses is something we’ve been passionate about for a long time and it feels especially relevant now. We are full of gratitude for our KJ community! Without you this brand wouldn’t be what...

Traveling With a Baby

I never thought twice about traveling with our little one when we decided to add a baby to our family, but we have learned a thing or two along the way. Throughout Vinni’s first year we’ve gone...

Baby Essentials for EVERY Occasion

Once baby comes along, every trip out of the house is a race to gather every little thing your baby will need. That's why we wanted to give you a few tips for packing baby...

3 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

In honor of Stress Awareness Month, we’re highlighting some ways in which busy moms can fit self-care into their daily routines in order to avoid stress, burnout, and even illness. 

Seven Postpartum Must-Haves

Everyone has their list of must-haves when it comes to babies. From clothing to creams, all mother's know best! With the birth of my first child my biggest concern turned out to be a million...

#GIRLBOSS: Embracing who you are, and learning to love yourself!

Kortni here, talking about something near and dear to my heart. Something I have stood for since the start of Kortni Jeane and will continually strive to share... Self-Love. We were all made differently. We come...

4 Things I've Learned in 4 Years of Business

It just so happens that our #GirlBoss post is landing on the last day of our Birthday Week! It's been an amazing week and an even more amazing four years! With Birthday Week winding down,...

Things My Dad Has Taught Me : #girlboss

I grew up in an entrepreneurial family. My dad started his own successful business at a young age and has been working on a million projects at once ever since. I don’t discard any credit...

Finding Balance in Home & Work Life

One of the most commonly asked questions I get as a small business owner is, “How do you balance home-work life?” My answer is, balance just really isn’t a thing. That’s what you were looking...